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Celebrate Spring Photo Sweepstakes!
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Celebrate Spring Photo Sweepstakes!

Author: Featured Creator

Calling all photographers!  

It is finally spring and that means new life is emerging all around us! This year we wanted to celebrate the joys of the season with our Celebrate Spring Sweepstakes! As a Japanese company, when we think of spring, we think of one of the most celebrated symbols in Japanese culture; the cherry blossom! Cherry blossoms (or Sakura) bloom from late April to early may and symbolize a time of renewal and beauty, so we wanted to run a sweepstakes that captures this feeling! 

So what are we looking for? 

Your task is simple! Capture and submit a photo that celebrates the beauty of spring and the renewal it brings! Whether it is a photograph of the cherry blossoms that bloom here in Canada, or any other picture that celebrates spring and the renewal of life, we want to see it!  

To see the sweepstakes gallery so far click here!!!

So what could you win?  

Enter and you will be eligible to win a $100 gift card to Fujifilm Printlife and your winning photo printed in a 8 x 10 format! Winners will be drawn at random, so this sweepstakes is friendly for all photographers to showcase their work, whether seasoned, or just starting out! Photos entered in the contest will be featured on our website HERE in the sweepstakes gallery. Check out all the beautiful spring like photos that have been submitted thus far.  

So how do you enter?  

  1. Take some pictures that celebrate spring and choose your favourites!  
  2. Visit and click on our sweepstakes pop up. 
  3. Fill out your contact information and subscribe to our email list for updates!  
  4. Upload your photos! (There will be a limit of one entry per email, but you can upload up to FIVE photos) 

The terms and conditions can be found linked in our contest pop up.  

So what should you photograph?  

Whether it is flowers at your local park, a picture of your pet on a spring time stroll or a busy bee resting on a flower, there are so many photo opportunities right in your backyard!  

Although there are so many wonderful things to photograph, we encourage you to consider taking a picture of some cherry blossoms nearby! The Celebrate Spring Photo Sweepstakes is supported by the general Consulate of Japan in Toronto and their intention this year is to celebrate the 10th Anniversary and the completion of their initiative the Sakura project! The Sakura project was started to draw attention to the blooming of cherry blossoms in Canada and to educate people on what they symbolize. For more information about the Sakura Project please visit their website here 

If you are looking to find cherry blossoms in Southern Ontario, the Consulate has put together this handy map of where to find them!